Ghosts and Strings live at Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s Green Show. Video projections by Jeff Diehl, 2014
This is a collaboration Between film maker Anna Geyer and Molina’s project “Transient”. Anna mixes original 16mm film loops on 3 modified projectors, while Molina creates a live soundtrack as he improvises and loops himself on various traditional, non-traditional, homemade instruments, found objects, and electronics.
The video is a mix of still images on various cameras and footage shot on an Ipod Nano camera.
For this live set at Noise Pancakes at the LAB in San Francisco, Molina utilized broken Auto harp, Flute, Voice, contact mic, electronics, and Axis 9 CDj’s. The voices you hear are from interviews with Latino immigrants telling their personal stories of their hopes, dreams, and nightmares working in sweat shops in the USA. All source material on the CD’j’s have been recorded and originally created by David Molina.
Don’t mind the funny random video in the back ground. It doesn’t match the music and I didn’t know it was playing behind me during the show.
Ackamoor/Molina Duet live at the Luggage Store gallery, 2014
A new project featuring the Legendary Idris Ackamoor, founder of the Afro Futurist jazz group The Pyramids. Our sets our 90% improvised ona multitude of instruments and electronics.
The next video is from “Night Light”, a multimedia garden party at SOMARTS which took place April 27, 2012. 700 people attended this event which featured film, video, installation, music, performance art, light and sound sculptures! This version of Transient featured: Garrett La Fever on Memory Web, electronics and Bells; and Bethany Clemen on harp, bells, and vocals. I played electronics, guitar, broken autoharp, cello, drum, and did vocals.
We provided the live improvised soundtrack to the 16mm film loops of Anna Geyer, who mixed her loops live by hand, which were projected on the wall behind us. Mickey Tachibana’s frequency reactive video was projected on the floor and our bodies. Garrett and I also worked on the Memory Web a couple weeks before the show and added 12 more new strings (28 total), 4 bridges and 2 more tuning heads, and 4 new pipes. We used it in our set as well.
Impuritan live at Classic Cars West, Oakland CA, 2014
Earthlike Performing “mushroom Killer” at Public Works SF, 2012. for the Impuritan Record release party.